
Rolling right along. There are several ways to determine the “halfway” point. Basically, I’m there…HALFWAY!! Yeeee HAAAWW!! My eyes are squarely focused on Oct 3rd, 2010. My orders require me to be in theater 350 days…and October 3rd is Day 350. For those wondering, it almost takes an act of Congress (literally) for me to be required to stay more than 2 weeks beyond that date. Specifically, it takes approval of the Secretary of Defense. So…rest assured, I will be leaving in early October or sooner (also possible; but unlikely).

This counts as another of those blogs being published because it just seems like time to do one. Also, this marks my 30th blog…for those counting. Using my Hokie abacus and a crude definition of halfway, I figured out that means I’m on pace for 60 blog entries by October. We shall see. Not very much to report. Things are going just fine. For those wondering, I completely missed the President’s visit. He was here and gone pretty quickly. We should all hope and pray he was able to have some influence on the Afghanistan Government to take care of some of the important issues they can control.

I have recently said “goodbye” to another great colleague, Arthur. Arthur is from Austria and became a father while here in Afghanistan. His son was born in Vienna right around Christmas. He and I spent quite a bit of time socializing over a coffee…usually after meals. He also smoked during these sessions. I did begin to pressure him to quit smoking; but it seemed to have little effect. However, if I ever do find out he DID quit…I will take full credit. I will miss Arthur…he was a pleasure to work with and get to know…one of the good ones.

Thanks again for all the kindness and support via this blog. It continues to be a very consistent “good thing” about this trip. HALFWAY…sounds good, doesn’t it?

Peace to EVERYBODY!! Even the Hokies.

8 Responses to Halfway-ish

  1. Ann Cashion says:


    Half way, Praise the Lord and shout!

    ‘They’ say the second half is always down hill. I am not sure what that means exactly, but hopefully it will mean all good things to come.

    Love and God be with you. Ann and Tommy

  2. Brian Burgess says:

    Hey Todd, I remember when the half-way point means the “Doughnut of Despair” becomes the “Doughnut of Hope” … i.e the Excel pie-chart spreadsheet showing how much time you have left on deployment has gone below half. Hope all is well for you brother …

  3. Judy Thompson says:

    Woo Hoo… yea for halfway! But, please, enough with the Hokie humor. I’m on a campaign to prove that Hokie is a good thing and you aren’t helping any!

    My niece’s husband arrived in Afghanistan just the other day. I wish we had the chance to see him once more before he left. Easter will definitely be different without him at the dinner table, but I sure do appreciate that a single Easter dinner definitely does not even come close to the family sacrifices so many make. So, as I sit down to Easter dinner, I will pray for the continued safety and security of all y’all over there… and, yes, for the Afghan government to.

    Happy Halfway and Happy Easter Todd!

  4. Rhino says:

    Here comes a little arms beatdown!

  5. Stephanie Alexander says:


    Sorry I am very late in getting your blog address (thanks to Ann Cashion!). You do have a special gift of writing, wish all engineers had this talent!

    Half-way is great, keep the high spirits. We had a party for a neighbor in Florida, who leaves this week for year. He was called up to go to Haiti, sent home in 30 days, just to get his orders to go to Afghanistan with only 2 weeks at home!

    I will follow closely your blog now. You are always in my prayers.


  6. Rob Simmons says:


    Miss you. Hope you were able to enjoy an Easter Sunrise Service. We were with Chris, Molly & kids at Morehead City. Can’t imagine how hard it is to miss these things with your family.

    Short timer. Half way and counting.

    We will do all possible to help you make up for lost time when you get back. Bluegrass music, livermush, games with kids, 4 wheel fun, cold beer and whatever.

    I really look forward to reconnecting with you and family.

    Keep up the blogs (60) and record them for your “book”. It will be great!

    Keep your head down. Rob

  7. Susan Guthrie says:

    Hallelujah for halfway!! Please keep up the blogs, Todd. Even when you don’t think you have much to report, somehow it is still riveting to those of us on this side of the world.

  8. Mollie Baker (Mom) says:

    Halfway-ish is so good!!! Last October we had Thanksgiving, Christmas,Chris & Jay Birthday, your birthday, and all of the above should be spent with family together…BUT now we can look forward to your return. We will try hard to make Hannah’s birthday a good one (oh dear…a teenager she will be) and July 4th is always special for you and your family so you will miss those BUT keep your focus on October and time should pass quickly…Love you..Miss you…Mom

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