
Some things just strike me as “funny” and I cannot help but get a kick out of them. When you are thrown in the environment I am currently serving in, something may be funny now; but not so funny under most other circumstances. I am not quite sure what category to put what I am sharing here…however, the bottom line is I find it funny NOW and have since my first day here.

The very first time I entered our bathrooms here back in October; I was greeted by a couple of entertaining signs posted on the walls. The first is posted above and is “encouraging” me to conserve energy and water. Apparently, if I fail to do my part there is a likelihood I could actually drown in my own crap. This is where the little bit of rebellion I have actually comes out in me. I laugh at the hyperbole. I’m not certain I see the connection either. Does showering too much or too often serve as some sort of laxative? Will there be more crap if we use more water? Drowning in crap does sound awful…perhaps I’ve stumbled upon THE WORST way to go. On the other hand, drowning in too much dirty shower water…not so bad, relatively speaking. Don’t get me wrong…as a rule; I am against drowning…any drowning. I probably ought to mention that.

My Navy brothers and sisters reading this will be able to relate to the water conservation piece. While haze grey and underway, you are bombarded daily with this sort of propaganda. I recall numerous conversations with my fellow naval aviators on the nuclear powered aircraft carriers mocking such nonsense. An important point to note here is that we aviators were not interested in allowing the facts to interfere with the notion that the ship drivers or “shoes” were not happy unless life was made miserable and difficult for all onboard. In our defense, we aviators had little respect for the “problems” the shoes had like whether to rendezvous underway at 10 kts or 11 kts….tough call! Whether to wake the Captain because there was a “contact” out there at 14,000 yards with a closure rate of 2kts? Constant Bearing Decreasing Range (CBDR)…if one of us doesn’t change our heading in the next 4 hrs, one day we’ll run into each other…theoretically. Apparently, another enormous issue for shoe bubbas down somewhere in one of those bad neighborhoods in the bowels of the ship is keeping fresh water available. As a result, we were constantly reminded that the fresh water levels on the ship were “dangerously” low and we must stop taking “hollywood showers.” I suspect dangerously low was somewhere around 75% full. (This would be the equivalent of panicking when your gas gauge reads ¾ of a tank AND you are driving a vehicle capable of making its own gasoline.) For you regular civilians, a “hollywood shower” is known in the real world as a “shower”…we were briefed/trained to turn water on to get wet, turn water off to lather up, turn water on to rinse, and then off for good. Now, does that sound like any way to live? I rest my case. Cotton Pickin’ SHOES!!

Well, here in Afghanistan they have told us we should limit our showers to 3 minutes. While I suspect this number (3 minutes) was contrived quite arbitrarily with absolutely no analysis behind it, I still have no problem with this rule/guideline. I wake each morning, saunter into the bathroom and proceed to take 3 consecutive showers. For the record, I’m not ankle deep in crap, either.

The other sign posted in the bathroom reads as follows. I am quoting it exactly as it is written. This sign is particularly funny to me because someone went to the trouble to type it, print it, copy it, put it in a plastic thingy, and post it in various places without asking a native English speaker for some advice on its grammatical accuracy. Also, I am really confused about why it was posted in the first place. Our bathrooms are cleaned each day by a locally hired cleaning crew who do a fine job keeping it clean. The residents keep things tidy too….perhaps the sign has worked. The entertainment value should speak for itself:

Dear Gentlemen:
In this building no mother, maid or slave services exist. It is YOUR DUTY to clean up after yourself, please keep this area as you would like find it. If you do not keep it clean, it will be very unhygienic with the result of spreading diseases. Everybody must be more careful where health is concerned and act as adult. If you do not respect this rule, we don’t want to share this building with you. Please contact with Billeting Office to find what you deserve as a place for living.

Folks, never fear! All is good here in Afghanistan. Ol’ Todd is keeping himself and his area clean and tidy despite the tremendous pressure associated with the serious threat/fear of drowning in my own crap.

Peace to you ALL!!

10 Responses to Signs

  1. Mari Pilkington says:

    Too funny Todd!! Keep taking your 3 consecutive showers – I think the base will be able to survive it! Stay Clean!

  2. Richard Baker (Dad) says:

    Todd, you grew up with lots of rules; and I am quite pleased to see you still “read” them. Perhaps I should have added a bit more humor to mine back in the day. I must put in a plug for the Army and the group that understands water conservation when all you have is what you carried with you. Running out is serious. Much love, Dad

  3. Uncle Eddie says:

    Todd, back in my day in the Navy (1970-72) on a WWII era destroyer “tin can” with 230 men working and sweating and living in cramped spaces on a 300 foot long ship, running out of shower water is NOT something you wanted to happen. It only took ONE time of running out of fresh water to give up the “Hollywood Showers”. Love your blog, keep it going. See you soon and thanks to you and everyone there for what you are doing. Love, u. Eddie

  4. Mollie Baker (Mom) says:

    Todd, where did you come from???? You are so crazy and I love you for it…Love you…Miss you…Mom

  5. Katie Davidson says:

    This is good humor. In my HR world (yes, HR does everything), I’ve had to post such signs/rules. I laugh often at the fact that it has to be posted…not the content. Follow the rules so you do not drown in your own crap! Glad you are enjoying the signs.
    I think it is funny that Mom asks where your crazy comes from…
    Love you! ~ Katie

  6. Susan Guthrie says:

    Katie is right, Todd. Follow the rules. Drowning in crap – your own no less – can’t be a good thing.

  7. Rob Simmons says:


    Crap drowning is a definate downer. To be avoided at all cost. Please follow intructions.

    Navy showers are a bummer. In my day, we could shower/bathe in the creek as long as we could stand the cold water. Watch out for snakes!

    Keep the comedy coming. Good to have a sense of humor in a strange world. Hope you are keeping copies of your blogs. Make a good book for your grandkids.

  8. Marty Baker says:

    (Gotta stand up for my fellow SHOES!) If it weren’t for us, you crap-for-brains aviators would all be dead . . . and yes, drowned in your own crap. Wishing you fair winds and following seas you crap-for-brains brown shoe no good gas burnin’ flyboy.

  9. Mac McGee says:

    As a “Black Shoe like your distinguished brother Marty, I believe he said it perfectly. Naval aviators are ……..! Thank you.

    Take care Commander and thanks for your service.

  10. Kay Simmons says:

    I agree with Rob. There is a book in this blog. This may be your new future. I love your humor. Take it where you can. Love you and thank you again for your service.

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